Ztreewin windows 10
Ztreewin windows 10

ztreewin windows 10

if you want to open ztree and multiple zleafs with one click you can create a *.bat file (= a text file ending with.bat ) like this: start ztree /language en PING n 1 -w 2000 >NUL start zleaf /size 640x480 /position 0,0 /language en/name A PING n 1 -w 500 >NUL start zleaf /size 640x480 /position 640,0 /language en/name B PING n 1 -w 500 >NUL start zleaf /size 640x480 /position 0,480 /language en/name C PING n 1 -w 500 >NUL start zleaf /size 640x480 /position 640,480 /language en/name D If you run more than one ztree, you can use different chanels (/chanel CH) to indicate what ztree connects to which zleafs (CH is a number) You can also direct different files into different directories: /datadir DIR for xls (data) file /adradir DIR for adr (address ) file /gsfdir DIR for gsf (gamesafe) fille Step 1 if you have older programs (from version 2.x) do not mix them with the new ones as they will not work. Go to properties to change language to english =en (chinese = cn) by adding /language enģ Go to properties to change language to english =en (chinese = cn) by adding /language en Step 1 Go to properties to change language to english =en (chinese = cn) by adding /language en Step 1 if you use multiple zleaf for testing, create multiple shortcuts with /name A, /name B and so on if you use multiple zleaf for testing, create multiple shortcuts with /name A, /name B and so on In a big network or if you ran multiple ztrees on same network simultaneously add a server s IP address to zleaf as well: /language en /name A /server Alternatively, replace server.eec with the IP address in it. Since there will be many files added each time you open ztree, create a new directory for it.


zleaf.exe ztree.exe Trust.ztt Q.ztq Trust2.ztt Session Subjects zleaf.exe zleaf.exe zleaf.exe zleaf.exe zleaf.exe _1405.xls Step 11: use *.xls, *.pay or session _1405.gsf table to pay subjects so they leave _1405.adr Step 12: Close zleafs (ALT+F4) Close ztree (!!!Make sure all zleafs _1405.sbj Keep *xls, *adr, *pay files completed their tasks so Trust.ztt is not running!!!) Step 1: Install toolbox programs. zleaf.exe zleaf.exe Step 9: ztree step-by-step: If you run another experiment, data continue are being collected into same files (=>You cannot change # of participants unless all programs restart) Step 10: If you run a questionnaire a file with answers and a file with names & payments are created. (Most tables in ztree disappear.) You can run another experiment or questionnaire. Seat the subjects, go through instructions (if not part of the program) Start your program (Trust.ztt) Step 7: Subjects make decisions zleaf.exe zleaf.exe decisions travel to server ztree.exe program records Trust.ztt zleaf.exe decisions in tables some information is Q.ztq being passed to subjects zleaf.exe You can observe the tables You can use your zleaf to change parameters Computer records the tables in *.xls file every period *.gsf file continuously name is given time (Trust.ztt) program started.


Open ztree, Download, create, save your - program ( - questionnaire (e.g.q.ztq) zleaf.exe ztree.exe Trust.ztt Q.ztq zleaf.exe zleaf.exe zleaf.exe zleaf.exe Open zleaf on each subjet s zleaf.exe computer (or on your computer if only testing.) + One for manual changes of parameters if needed.

ztreewin windows 10 ztreewin windows 10


1 ztree Zurich Toolbox for Readymade Economic Experiments Filip Vesely University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee What is ztree for? Zurich Toolbox for Readymade Economic Experiments Designed for simple experimenter that does not have: o competent programmers that can write ad hock programs o time to design ad hock programs o ability to specify full experiment without pilots, modifications, Designed for simple games, that do not require: o detailed timing (time is measured in seconds) o major graphical input/output o unexpected changes in design once the experiment is in progress Print Slides: 1,3,4,6,16,29,36,39-42,44-47,49-60,62-66,68,70,72,74,76-83,85-87,89-94, ,107,109,113,115,117, ,126, ,136,138,140,142,144, ,150,152, ,158, ,165,167,, ,, , ,199,200,202,203,, How to get ztree? How does it work? Manuals: o 2.1 Tutorial Manual (2001): o 2.1 References (2006): o 3.x Wiki: Two programs: ztree o o programming editor experiment server Institute for Empirical Research in Economics: zleaf o o client program for subjects computers client program for the experimenter s input during the gameĢ ztree step-by-step: Subjects ztree step-by-step: Subjects Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Install toolbox programs.

Ztreewin windows 10