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‘Until this occurs state and federal governments need to employ more nurses but less clerical public servants, advisers and minders.’.‘The fund employs a research nurse who supports patients on the ward and is involved with clinical trials.’.‘Mark Huxtep is a nurse who was employed by ACM at Woomera at the time of the incident.’.

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‘The report points out that, of a full complement of 13 nurses employed when the prison opened, only two of the original staff remain a year later.’.‘But of course it was too expensive to employ trained nurses to do those kind of things so now we just stick to the medical side!’.‘Babs trained as a nurse in her young days over in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, but later returned to take care of her mother back home in Garrywadreen.’.‘My partner was fairly soon seen by a triage nurse who assessed the severity of the injury.’.‘The mother was a nurse at a local hospital, and the father was a lawyer.’.‘The treatment can be delivered by suitably trained practice nurses or general practitioners.’.‘Joan was widely known throughout the area, having been public health nurse for years.’.‘A helpline operated by trained dental nurses has been launched.’.‘He added that the health board recently held interviews to recruit specialist oncology nurses for Waterford Regional Hospital.’.‘As a registered psychiatric nurse, she spent years caring for gay kids.’.‘Older registered nurses who have worked for decades should be able to complete their careers under less onerous conditions.’.‘The charity also employs oncology care nurses at key hospitals throughout Ireland.’.‘The circulating perioperative nurse applies warm blankets to the patient to prevent hypothermia.’.‘To be valuable health care practitioners, nurses must commit to lifelong learning.’.

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